Friday, May 27, 2011

Princess is Rolling on Her Side

First time she turned on her side yesterday 5.26.11. She had her 4 months checkup yesterday and it went great. Two shots and 1 oral. She had a little fever last night but she's a ok. She sees things and wants to touch and hold them and put it in her little mouth. She's learning how to hold her bottle. She can sit with assistance and loves to drool! Hahaha!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's Ava's 4th Month

Yey, Ava is officially 4 months now. She grabs things, she tries to roll on her side,she likes to be around people and she talks alot --baby talk that is! She glances around more to see what's going on and she hears well.She tries to listen to eve the lil sound she can hear.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fabulous Dress on a Fabulous Day 5.5.11

It is Singko de Mayo! Ava's dressed up like she's going party. It's going to be a hot day. Keeping it cool on this cute tiffany blue dress.

Morning After Bath

She looks calm and ready to go to dreamland.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dad's First Catch

This is still on her 3months 17 weeks. It's funny how I tried so hard to make her smile for the photo and she still wouldn't smile. My sister laughs at me because she and Alana are the only peeps whom Ava would laugh and talk to for a long time. I couldn't even get her baby talk out even if I copy their voices.

Lil Cupcake Cheeks 3months 17days

Here she is at 3months 17 days. She likes to be around people and loves to talk non sense hahahah! She drools alot that's why she always have to have that bibby thing underneath her chin. She looks more like her dad than me.